COMMS-ID MESSAGE XR-06 Updated April 24, 2018
         ii vs State Cross-reference - NWS Communications Identifier
                             Implementation Plan

For the second i of the ii group, the states comprising these 10
geographic areas are as follows:

0 - Pacific                           HI, GU, AS

1 - North East U.S.                   NH, RI, CT, NJ, MD, DC, DE,    
                                      VA, NY, MA, VT, OH, PA, ME, WV

2 - South East U.S. & Puerto Rico     SC, GA, NC, FL, PR

3 - North Central U.S.                SD, MI, WI, ND, KS, MN, IA,    
                                      MO, NE, IL, IN, KY 

4 - South Central U.S.                TX, AL, MS, LA, AR, TN, OK 

5 - Rocky Mountains                   NM, MT, ID, CO, WY, AZ, NV, UT 

6 - West Coast U.S.                   CA, OR, WA

7 - South East Alaskan Area - Juneau          AK

8 - North Central Pacific Area - Anchorage    AK

9 - Northern Alaskan Area - Fairbanks         AK