National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Below is a map of snowfall amounts from December 3-4, 2013. This map is an interpolation of reports received from various sources. In locations where data is more sparse, the map may not exactly reflect the amount of snow received in those locations. Overall, this event produced a wide swath of 4 to 7 inches from south central South Dakota, into southwest Minnesota, with a sharp cutoff to less than an inch of snowfall over much of northwest Iowa.

Contoured map of snowfall reports for December 3rd and 4th, 2013

Event Totals Snowfall in inches

Reports Received by 6 PM Wednesday December 4, 2013


  4 NNE FORESTBURG                         8.0 
  MITCHELL                                 7.8 
  3 NW LAKE THOMPSON STAT                  6.7 
  4 WSW SIOUX FALLS                        6.7 
  1 NW SALEM                               6.5 
  8 SSW HERRICK                            6.5 
  FLANDREAU                                6.1 
  3 N BROOKINGS                            6.0 
  3 SE RAMONA                              6.0 
  ALEXANDRIA                               6.0 
  13 WNW PLATTE                            6.0 
  WHITE LAKE                               5.5 
  HOWARD                                   5.2 
  MARION                                   5.0 
  3 S PARKSTON                             5.0 
  PICKSTOWN                                5.0 
  5 WSW ARMOUR                             5.0 
  8 W WESSINGTON SPRINGS                   5.0 
  4 SW BURKE                               4.6 
  7 SSW CHAMBERLAIN                        4.3 
  9 S DALLAS                               4.0 
  TYNDALL                                  4.2
  CANTON                                   3.8 
  4 NW TYNDALL                             3.5 
  HURON                                    3.5 
  YANKTON                                  2.0 
  2 SSW GAYVILLE                           1.5 
  1 SSE VERMILLION                         1.0                                                                                                      


  3 NW PIPESTONE                           7.5 
  MARSHALL                                 7.5 
  3 NNW LUVERNE                            6.0 
  8 NNE ELKTON                             6.0 
  WINDOM                                   6.0 
  4 N CURRIE                               5.5 
  4 S COTTONWOOD                           5.5 
  OKABENA                                  4.5 
  WORTHINGTON                              4.5                                                                                                                                


  ROCK RAPIDS                              4.5 
  4 NE HUDSON                              3.0 
  2 SSE SIOUX CENTER                       1.0 
  SPIRIT LAKE                              0.2 
  SIOUX CITY                               0.2